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Inrik - Social Media Platform

I was founder & Principal Software Developer of Inrik is a Social Media Platfrom under construction. Inrik was acquired by an investor.

Publisher is one of my applications. A web-based platform for journalists to publish content in easiet possible way.Much easier and much lighter than other tools in the market. A back-office that allows journalists to publish content(articles, news, images. video and audio files). Articles can be shared with Social Media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. Video from Facebook and Youtube can easily be imported to this platform as content. The platform transcoder can be configured to convert Mp3 audio and Mp4 videos to HLS format with extracted thumbnails. This platform provides archiving, edit and delete functionalities.

Sorth Numbers
The Sort Numbers is a classic game. You can end successfully this game if you can order numbers from 1 to 15. A number can move only in X or Y axies if there is an adjucent empty cell.
Letters To Words
User types words and after each space the word will be checked against the English directory. If there is a much user will gain some points. User can set the game's length